The page simply defines a number of common acronyms used throughout the documentation.
- TRMG2: Triangle Regional Model Generation 2
- ITRE: Insitute for Transportation Research and Education
- RTP: Research Triangle Park
- ACS: American Community Survey
- NHTS: National Household Travel Survey
- TAZ: Traffic Analysis Zone
- SOV: Single-occupancy vehicle
- HOV: High-occupancy vehicle
- IPF: Iterative Proportional Fitting
- IPU: Iterative Proportional Updating
- HH: Household
- HB: Home-based
- NHB: Non-home-based
Trip Types
Trip types have the following form: “N_HB_OD_Short”
Each of the four pieces of this classification convey information about the trip.
- Tour Type
- W: Work
- N: Non-work
- Home-based
- HB: Home-based
- NHB: Non-home-based
- Trip Purpose
- Various. See here
- Activity Duration
- Short
- Long
- All
TransCAD GIS Software, 2022